Graph Databases

Document DBs are known to be very good at searching data among billions or trillions of records, with little or no performance degradation. At the same time, they have one big limitation: they do not play well with too many relationships between entities.

Databases are an essential part of most IT systems, as they are the containers of the most valuable “piece of the puzzle”: the Data

Relational Databases (RDBMS) have been playing a major role in the Data Architecture, being a sort of standard in the software industry; products such as Oracle, Microsoft Sql Server, MySql have been used for almost any software or services worldwide for several years. Those are by now considered mature technologies, tested and refined over the years to cope with constantly challenging data requirements and new software paradigms coming up all the time.

However, since a few years, Social Media Networks systems such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (to name a few), introduced a new concept that represent an incredible challenge to traditional Databases: Big Data.

Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate.” [Wikipedia].


An example of big data might be petabytes (1,024 terabytes) or exabytes (1,024 petabytes) of data consisting of billions to trillions of records of millions of people—all from different sources (e.g. Web, sales, customer contact center, social media, mobile data and so on). The data is typically loosely structured data that is often incomplete and inaccessible.” [Webopedia]

This is why NoSql Databases have emerged in the software industry over the years, with some famous name such as MongoDB (you can read my previous article on Geographically Distributed Replica Set withMongoDB and Azure), Cassandra, RocksDB, RavenDB; these are just a few examples of Key-Value Stores (or Document Databases), which can cope with Big Data better than traditional RDBMS.

Other technologies such as Redis or Hadoop and MapReduce are also used worldwide to store and view Big Data.

Document DBs are known to be very good at searching data among billions or trillions of records, with little or no performance degradation. At the same time, they have one big limitation: they do not play well with too many relationships between entities.

This is where Graph Databases come into picture:

In mathematics, and more specifically in graph theory, a graph is a representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links.” [Wikipedia]

Graphs are currently the best way to represent data in Social Networks and other similar systems, where relationships between people, their messages, posts, likes, comments, and all other types of social media interactions, often in the big numbers, are best represented with graphs. 

A few products are on the market nowadays offering graph data storage, and among all Neo4j seem to be the most mature product at the moment. This system has his own Query Language: Cypher, which similarly to SQL allows to search the Database for specific data, now with an optimized approach for the Shortest Path.

Neo4j stores data into collections of Nodes (equivalent of Tables in RDBMS) and Links (equivalent of Foreign Key Relations in RDBMS). The first main difference is that Links are completely decoupled from Nodes, and so they can be created or deleted at any time, without any impact on the data (try to remove a FK between two tables full of data on a RDBMS…). This is ideal for systems that are under constant evolution (such as, but not limited to Social Networks).

Another important concept of Neo4j is that Links are semantic: in the example of a private message conversation between two users, each user can either Send or Receive a message, hence having two different types of relations to messages.

This semantic cannot be easily represented by a traditional RDBMS, and would require some coding to represent it, while out-of-the-box it’s easy to achieve it on a Graph DB:

The image above shows the Neo4J User Interface (a local browser app using the Neo4j REST API), running a Cypher QueryMATCH (n) RETURN n”, which returns all Nodes and Links in the system; the output is displayed as a Data Graph, rendered by default as an SVG file, where you can easily layout and re-arrange all Nodes and Links for the best displaying, but it can also be displayed as tabular data, or the JSON plain response.

Here you can also notice the semantic Links, which also allow to easily representing the time concept within the conversation (Discussion in the graph):

  1. Person Carson sends Message 1 to Person Linda
  2. Person Linda receives Message 1 from Person Carson
  3. Person Linda sends Message 2 to Person Carson
  4. Person Carson receives Message 2 from Person Linda
  5. Person Carson sends Message 3 to Person Linda
  6. Person Linda receives message 3 from Person Carson

No extra code is needed to represent this logical sequence, unlike with traditional RDBMS.

Just as a side-note, systems like Facebook and Twitter use their own custom Graph solution, built on top of MySql RDBMS; the most plausiblereason is that they started with RDBMS technology years ago when Graph DBs did not exist yet, they invested lots of time, money and effort on it, and slowly transitioned to a custom Graph solution over time (see TAO and FlockDB).

And if you are wondering about performance numbers, a lot of benchmarking tests [1] have been done already, and it appears that Graph Databases are indeed a strong technology, here to stay in the long run.

So, are Graph Databases going to replace RDBMS altogether?

Not really.

RDBMS will still be in place for a long time; however they won’t be anymore the only way to store data in an Enterprise, as the IT industry is going toward a Polyglot Persistence, where different data sources and technologies will be used individually to address specific needs, and together to form the Enterprise Big Data.

[1] Benchmarking Graph Databases:



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