
Showing posts from August, 2017

Devil is in the (RedirectUri) detail

When using Azure Active Directory (AAD) as Identity Provider for your Azure App Services , you will set up App Registrations to tell AAD how to handle your app authentication. One important bit of this is the ReplyURL ( RedirectUri ) that you need to specify for AAD to redirect the user back to your app after valid authentication. The usual flow is: User requests your app URL (ie: ) User is redirected to the AAD Login page ( /.../ oauth2/ authorize ) User inserts valid credentials User is redirected back to your defined RedirectUri as a logged on User ( ) For this to happen, you will need to specify in your application as AppSettings in the web.config file:   < add key ="ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri“ value =" " /> < add key = "ida:RedirectUri“ value =" https://