
Showing posts from September, 2017

RabbitMQ on Kubernetes Container Cluster in Azure

Introduction This post is quite technical (and long, and detailed), so sit down, enjoy your coffee, and let’s get started! Containers are becoming the way forward in the DevOps and IT worlds, as they greatly simplify deployments of applications and IT infrastructure . RabbitMQ is “the most widely deployed open source message broker”, and easy to use within a Docker Container Image . Kubernetes is considered the De-facto Standard for Container Orchestration . To follow this tutorial you can use the built in Azure Cloud Shell , or download and install the Azure CLI , and use PowerShell locally. Make sure you have installed  Azure PowerShell . You will also need Kubectl , so make sure you install that too (I suggest Choco as the easiest way). Here I am using PowerShell . Resource Group First you have to login to Azure through PowerShell: az login You will receive a message such as: To sign in , use a web browser to open the page http

Azure App Service Deployment Slots

Just a quick one today: Deployment Slots are one way to manage your Azure App Service deployments, giving you the option to do a " hot swap " of a live production application with little to no downtime. At the same time they allow you to easily manage your app versioning, by making sure that you always have a " Last Known Good " version of your app, a few clicks away from being rolled back on production when something goes wrong in your release. You can set up VSTS to configure your Staging Slot before deploying to it, as mentioned in a previous post of mine . Here is a quick overview of the common Deployment Slots usage: