
Showing posts from November, 2017

Fix your Swagger Definition!

So you created your shiny .NET REST API , and added the NuGet package Swashbuckle.Core which generated the SwaggerConfig.cs file in the App_Start of your API project. All good, now you can browse your API definition and even test your API operations! So you think you have a OpenAPI Specification file now... well, hold your horses! Turns out that the  .NET  implementation with the  SwaggerConfig.cs  is not so strict on enforcing the Specification, and will produce a JSON that contains errors when checked for compliancy. To make sure that your  Swagger definition  is indeed  OpenAPI Specification  compliant, you can download your generated Swagger JSON and upload it to either  SwaggerHub  or  Swagger Editor . If any error shows up there after parsing your  JSON  into  YAML , you first have some work to do to fix those. You might see errors such as "Semantic error at paths ... Equivalent paths are not allowed.", "Schema error at paths ... should NOT h

7 Things I Learned That Made Me a Better Programmer

I bumped into a nice article, which tells stuff very well known to me and my colleagues nowadays. However it is always good to share it, as it is too easy to get caught in the code details and forget the "big picture". Consider it like a basic programmer wisdom checklist: